Saturday, June 16, 2012

two weeks of fun: part II

finally ~ some steady sunshine!  sunscreen was slathered on and the jet ski was gassed up.  aunt sissy, charlie and m2 took a slow stroll first.  the boys double kneeboarded and then the girls followed.  they crashed when micadoodle missed the rope on a 360, but no major damage was done.  the boys rode again and then the girls rode again.  hence my issue posting summer pictures... 298 pictures of the same thing, but i am not complaining!  the kids have a blast and sister and i love it too!   

1 comment:

  1. haha LOVE the dog picture. You know, I've never knee boarded before. Wake and ski but for some reason knee boarding freaks me out a bit. Is that weird?? =/

    Looks like you guys had a blast! Nothing like being out on the water. Glad you had your stretch of sunshine.
    Emily at Amazing Grapes
