little man and his buddy nathan tied in the jump rope challenge so they celebrated with a chest bump. when the boys saw the picture, they each said the same thing, "hey, our shadow looks like a dog".
after lunch little man and a classmate won the wheelbarrow race for the purple team. the fourth graders participated in the three legged races and the fifth graders do piggy back races.
the tug of war challenge is the highlight of the day. each team (purple, white, gold) compete with several pulls. then each grade competed against the other class (little man's class won the third grade pull). below is my other son, christian (he calls me his other mother) doing a great job as the gold team anchor.
mr. hardy's fifth grade won... seriously, they did have a slight advantage.
little man and his classmates working together to defeat the other third grade class. mrs. chaplain even got in on the action.
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