after a breakfast of scrambled eggs, orange slices, grapes, yogurt and juice (all from the cooler) we got an early start walking to the national aquarium. we took a right turn out of the lobby, walked along the water, across two footbridges and six minutes later were the only people in line for tickets! this submarine is docked beside the entrance ~ how fun!
the main aquarium on the bottom level did not disappoint. huge sting rays, sharks, and "calypso" the turtle greeted us upon our entrance. every square inch was impressive. the signage, graphics and slide shows on the walls were amazing.
m2 and i went to a "dora the explorer 4-d movie" and thoroughly enjoyed it. butterflies "brushed up" against our hair, bubbles fell from the sky, we were sprayed with water and our seats vibrated as our plane took off. very entertaining and just the right length at 12 minutes long. later in the day we took a snack break while the older two and john david went to another 4-d movie about polar bears. 
one thing we were looking forward to was the dolphin show. for the time being that has been suspended due to the birth of a new calf ~ the noise from the crowds can startle the baby. they were not doing a show but did provide a demonstration on how they go about training the animals.
we ate lunch at the cafe... loved the gourmet sandwiches and soups (curried carrot soup ~ jd, blue crab chowder ~ me, and all natural chicken wraps, YUM!) i should have taken a picture of that also. we took a short break during the afternoon and returned to the hotel so m2 could nap while john david and the others went swimming.
so i'm super curious about the "scrambled eggs from the cooler" part.....