i have spent about four days preparing food and meals that can be warmed and eaten out of the cooler. packed three children's clothes ~ including long sleeved shirts because you just never know ~ toothbrushes, soap, reading material and toys for the car. packed my things (which is not that hard since i only have 12 summer shirts to choose from but that is another post all together) attended field trips for the older two, went to the lake this past weekend, a year end school picnic for the older two, awards chapel and year end parties. additionally the house is clean (cannot stand returning to a messy house) laundry is caught up, the dishwasher is empty and the mail and newspaper have been stopped. so last night while watching game one of the nba finals my husband says, "well, it's half time i guess i'll pack my clothes". and he did.
The to-do list never ends:) Especially before going out of town. My husband is the same way, he can pack in 5 minutes and I've been getting things ready for a week. Ha!