this was our third year participating with upward cheer leading (fourth with basketball but that is another post) and this year did not disappoint! i coached m1's team of thirteen girls ~ twelve first graders and one kindergartner. they did an outstanding job of learning the cheers, motions and words. it is a great out-reach through our church and through the eight weeks of practice we have a devotional that focuses on believing in God with age appropriate material.
cheering the guys on as their names are called. they run out to scripture rock songs! each uniform packet comes with a scripture cd with word for word bible verses put to rock, hip hop and some slower music.
after each game we had snack and star time. the girls receive one star per week for their megaphone ~ best effort, best cheers, spirit, leadership and Christ-likeness. it was always great to be able to hand out the Christ-like star and give the girls real life examples based on the actions of a fellow cheerleader. school pals and cheering buddies
on stage before the season ending celebration getting ready to practice our pom routine and group cheer. we had about 50 cheerleaders from kindergarten through fifth grade. each saturday afternoon we practiced together to prepare for the celebration. they did great... we have a video but i don't have my cord to load it on the computer. hope to solve that sometime soon.
oh my gosh! how cute!! you have a cheerleader!! :) love her!