so here's the deal... i was supposed to post the upward basketball pics right after the cheerleading pictures. but i have come to realize that when both parents coach (four of the eight weeks were at the same time which was a great schedule) sometimes the camera gets handed to someone in the crowd ~ "take some pictures of the boy with #1 on his jersey" ~ and then while going through the pictures you can't find any that are usable. please keep that in mind!
see #11... that's not little man. see the blue jersey to the right of #11... that is little man and that is his basket.
this is little man's basket too! one game he scored 13 baskets ~ not like we are keeping track or anything ;-) next year they will start keeping score when he moves up to the 3rd and 4th grade team. i'm his mom so i am going to boast for a moment. little man is a great ball handler and can dribble quickly down the court, find the open man and make a great pass. he is also confident under the basket and will turn and shoot when the ball is passed to him. this is his fourth year playing so his skills are improving drastically. (his p.e. teacher is also the high school soccer coach and thinks he could easily be a three sport athlete in high school... hey if i don't brag on him who will) john david is to the left refereeing the game.
i totally think basketball is his thing!!! love the pictures of him with john david - i'm sure he was a GREAT ref!!! :)