little man and i were picking out pictures to hang in his room. we decided to get some clip frames so we could hang his artwork and easily switch things out every once in a while. the choices were narrowed down to four... two that are easter themes, one with a dump truck and other vehicles and the last was abstract in nature. he decided on the two easter ones because, " i like the others mommy, but they are just not Godly". ummmm, okay. 
ps. the "crab" pillow is also his artwork made from hand prints. oh, and his bed was my dad's that he used as a little boy (he thinks he got it when he was about 4). it was all scratched up and dull from being in the attic, but i scraped the finish off, sanded out the dings, stained it and then shined it up with a poly coat. absolutely love that we have that treasure in our possession.
love his artwork - what a clever idea with the pillow cover - how cute is that! and talk about hhaving his perspective right! :)