Wednesday, April 7, 2010

it would have been her second birthday also...

yesterday was m2's second birthday... we are celebrating on saturday with family. it was a happy day and we feel blessed to have this "surprise" in our lives daily. however, i was thinking of this family throughout the day. christa wells is a songwriter friend of my sister (check out her website here) who was asked by todd and angie smith to co-write a song for their baby girl who was not going to be able to survive outside of the womb for more than a few hours. the following is a video of that song. (btw, todd sings with selah and the song is available on their latest cd which is fantastic).


  1. So sad and such a sweet reminder of how precious life is. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! (And telling me about Nester's party. It started with Layla and her mantel series, and then with Kimba and her linky party and now the Nester. Not that I ever had the corner market on mantels or anything but it does amuse me! :)

  2. oh sandi - it all came rushing back to me. i just spent the last hour on the computer going back to their blog and reading about it. what a precious family and an amazing, miraculous testimony! i had seen that she wrote a book and am anxious to read it. i need to ask my sister if her sister-in-law has read any of this - they lost their son to SIDS and I'm sure this would be an encouragement. wow.
