. john david and i drove over to the eastern shore and caught a ferry to tangier island. the island, home to about 500 people, is only accessible by ferry or small plane. choppy water and these life jackets made up our view for just under two hours. this is actually a trip jd has made for work since he has some schools on the eastern shore and one on tangier.

this is a crab shanty with a pier full of crab pots. crabbing is a way of life on the chesapeake bay. we were guaranteed fresh seafood!

once on the island your transportation choices are limited... walk, bike or golf cart. we had already decided on bikes. there are less than 15 cars on the island ~ one belongs to the police chief (there is only one law enforcement agent on the island). there is also a fire engine, ambulance and the other various cars belong to volunteers that man those positions.
this is a gift shop named "sandy's place" and my bike is parked in front. so very cute! while riding to the bed and breakfast (they did pick us up with a golf cart at the dock so we dropped our things off before picking up bikes) we got a chuckle at the speed limit sign... as well as the fact that speed is checked by radar.
the mail boat... the way mail is brought back and forth to the island daily.
i love looking at maps, which is great since my car does not have gps. does that really surprise anyone? it was fun looking at the map and the markers crossing the bay and knowing exactly where we were.
thanks to nana for watching little man and my parents for keeping the girls. they love spending time with you all!
one last image: this one is for my brother in law dane... don't you just love it?
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