Thursday, January 12, 2012

and i thought she was napping

the house was quiet.  little man and mq are back in school and m2 is down for a nap. me? i'm in the sewing room sorting through fabric. suddenly, i hear a song coming from down the hall. "hallelllluuuuuujah (long dramatic pause and in my mind i can see her arms raised, she's not a conservative baptist) Jesus is born at the mickey mouse clubhouse come inside it's fun inside. the night was silent, becaaauuuse, Jesus is born, at the mickey mouse clubhouse. deck the halls, at the mickey mouse clubhouse, come inside it's fun inside"


  1. who is she, addie??
    oh, i'm sorry, unless the room was also TORN APART she must be your precious little one :)

  2. That's a riot. Love her own little medley!!! :)
