Tuesday, July 19, 2011

broken a/c

when we woke up saturday morning our upstairs was 83 degrees. we turned the air conditioning off, reset the breaker, checked the outside unit and then turned it back on ~ within the hour we had gone up another two degrees and by late afternoon it was 93 upstairs.  the downstairs unit is working so we have been camping out with the children. other than showering upstairs or running up to get a toy or book we have been mainly downstairs, in the family room, together. they are coming tomorrow morning (wednesday) so we are enjoying one last night of camping out. on a positive note the upstairs is fairly neat since we have not been up there... but the laundry is piling up because it is too hot to complete a load.  

1 comment:

  1. OH NO - hoping that it was no big deal and they got it cranking again! It's been 103 degrees today and has been several days straight of 100 degree temps. UGH!!
