not the most flattering picture but after spending the morning pulling the children on the kneeboard and teaching them to ski, it was nice to have some time with just my husband. (we were laughing so hard at sister... long story) 

how can twelve years fly by so quickly? hard to believe that it has been twelve years since walking down the aisle and marrying john david. so here is our life by the numbers... one wedding, 4,386 (and counting) good night kisses, two and a half years of dealing with infertility, one ectopic pregnancy, one successful in vitro (one unsuccessful) three precious children (sam, meredith and morgan) 14,965 diaper changes, two houses, five cars, three job changes, one church change, numerous road trips, four plane rides with children, 10 year anniversary cruise without children and the death of one parent (my father in law). he provides for our family so that i can enjoy staying home with our children. he is positive and encouraging and a wonderful father to our children. his biggest downfall is his love of the washington redskins... but as long as he tolerates my love for all things peyton manning i can deal with that.
his redskins obsession is definitely a weakness, but i suppose he makes up for it in other areas! love you guys - wonder what the next 12 years will hold - kids at college?!?!? ARGH!