where's the birthday girl?
there she is! m2 was so excited for this day ~ she's been planning her birthday since january. the other two just go along with whatever we say is going to happen ~ not this one ~ she had specific things she wanted to do!
she wanted her friends kyleigh and landon (along with family) to come over for a birthday bike ride. i took these pictures from my bike as we rode around the neighborhood... kyleigh is on the back of her mom's bike so she is not in any bike pictures.
she requested a menu of "peanut budder and jelwy" sandwiches, cut into triangles along with fruit, cheese and juice drinks ~ to be eaten outside picnic style on a blanket with pinwheels spinning in the wind. like i said, very specific! here they are enjoying their lunch outside. (luckily subway was having bogo so my mom ordered and picked up subs for the adults on their way over)
the adults sat inside with the windows open so we could see and hear what was going on outside. it was such a relaxing day, having conversations and watching the children play outside. and then we had a very tall cake!
other than our immediate family, no one knew it was a rainbow inside. my mom commented right before i sliced it that she was surprised i did not make a butterfly or other "fancy" cake for m2. it was an extremely yummy cake! what a great day for a truly great little "punkalicious" girl!
i absolutely can NOT believe that she is 3!!! where has the time gone!?!? i love that she was so specific with her requests this year - and looks like she got just what she wanted! :)