Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a house divided

the game is at 9:00... the children want to nap between 6:30 and 9:00 so they can watch the game with us. (i love that they enjoy sports).  little man and i will cheer for duke ~ m1 and john david will yell for carolina. twice a year we have a house divided.  m2 has on little man's old sweatshirt but in due time i will convert her.


  1. Looks like you guys are up for a fun time tonight...hope the best team wins!!

  2. i always think of you this time of year...when david and i are in football withdrawl, and i know you and john david are starting to get into a frothy state of sweat anticipating march madness! :) keep up the brainwashing to tip the balance in your favor!
