on sunday we went to covenant presbyterian church, where john david attended while in college at james madison university. john david's college roommate, chris, lives in harrisonburg and his family attends church there still. although we only see chris and christy (and their four children) once maybe twice a year, we always just pick right up where we left off. they are such a great family to hang out with. we had lunch at their house and then the children enjoyed playing all sorts of games ~ basketball, tag, games on the wii and even some made up games. later in the day we enjoyed a new park before heading back up to the cabin at massanutten.
the original plan was to ski with the children on monday but little man started throwing up around 10:30 pm and continued to be sick until 2:30 in the morning. i spent most of the night washing sheets as he moved from bed to bed. we decided that it would be best to wait until another day and let him rest up.
watching cartoons |
we woke up to an inch of snow monday morning and the forecast was for it to continue through the day. i was a bit bummed since this would have been a great ski day! but it ended up being for the best we would discover later ~ with schools out it seems that most people rushed to the slopes to enjoy the day off. john david took the girls out so that the sickness would not hit everyone in the house and he said that the slopes and lodge were jam packed with people. after lunch the girls built a snowman... our first of the season and it's march. crazy!
by monday evening little man was much better and no one else was showing signs of illness. yea for whatever little man had not attacking everyone else ~ especially on vacation! we went to sleep early anticipating a wonderful tuesday.
friendly but loud woodpecker near the deck