before the telling of the emergency room trip i thought we could take a look at some pictures from my dad's family reunion from last year. i don't always act my age... maybe now would be a great time to start. so, here i am jumping and flipping.

yesterday we got to the reunion and had some wonderful food and conversations. the children were playing great and bouncing away on the trampoline. after a few hours i decided that it was my turn to jump. m1 wanted to jump with me so we joined hands and were bouncing and laughing, and bouncing and laughing. one of us lost our balance (happened so fast i don't really know what happened) and we broke through the safety net surrounding the trampoline. i fell on my back, still holding her hands, and m1 hit my face/nose with her head. lots of blood loss followed... don't need to retell all the gory details. my cousins wife is a nurse (nicu but a nurse nevertheless) so she got us cleaned up and we headed to the emergency room. my mom came with us and my dad stayed with little man and m2 (he then took them home and gave them baths ~ thanks dad).

at the hospital we were all able to stay together and even share a bed! they got us cleaned up and x-rayed; m1 required a ct scan (that made me nervous). m1 ended up with five stitches along her hairline and a cherry popsicle. she did fantastic ~ so much easier than our last stitch experience that took 3 adults to hold her down. my nose is broken in two places but ended up fairly straight and i have five stitches across the top. we had an absolutely great physician who had a calming presence with us both.
we have been taking it easy today. my back is a little sore but overall we are doing alright. john david took m2 and little man to church and m1 sat on my bed playing on webkinz and pbs kids for several hours. my husband served me lunch in bed and we have watched football most of the afternoon. let the bruising begin!