Thursday, July 29, 2010

stalking the mailman...

waiting for my new headbands to arrive! the day they were shipped i even checked... just in case you know. thanks jenn @ the rick racked rose they are great and i love them! now if i could only figure out how to photoshop the creases between the eyebrows and the fine lines appearing on the forehead... but i guess if i knew how to do that i would also know how to fix my blog problems. like i said, just enough to be dangerous.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

my lego master

little man has been busy putting together his vast collection of lego's. (it's been too hot to play outside during m2's naptime). one by one he is taking the instructions and putting them all together. the space ship is a "little man original" designed without instructions. i don't know if you can tell, but the astronaut has his helmet on. my favorite has always been the gas station. he is quite the little builder and has a career goal of working for the lego company one day ~ along with being a fireman.