the children are waving to the southwest pilots and in the picture below the pilots are waving back. you just have to love flying southwest! great people! i think we were all a bit jealous of m2 getting a nap on the plane... we were all exhausted (getting up at 5:30 and heading to the airport by 6:30 after many long days does that to you). don't you wish you could sprawl out like that and nap... very unladylike!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
magic kingdom (part 2)
the day started out sunny but with showers predicted for the afternoon. we were hopeful that the rain would hold off. the children enjoyed climbing trees while waiting for the shuttle bus. m1 was excited about dressing like snow white today, complete with the orange hat.
we were able to ride several rides and then the showers started... but we were prepared. check out our smiling cutie in the dollar-store-one-size-fits-all-rain-coat! we still had a portion of the park to cover and we were not leaving until we were done. luckily it was warmer today so we were not completely freezing while wet. the best part was people started to leave so the lines were very short. my dad and i were able to ride space mountain twice without any wait. after a few hours of getting wet we headed for lunch... i had my standard chocolate milkshake with lunch (loved that i had one everyday!) it was nice to sit down and get warm for a little while. everyone had a nice dessert ~ the children had mickey ice cream, nana had a sundae and the rest banana splits. yummy!
the original idea when we were planning this trip was to have three full days in the parks... on the last day we were going to spend the first part at the magic kingdom and the second part back at the resort, by the pool relaxing. we figured the children would be exhausted. but now here we are on day two of magic kingdom still at the park having fun at 6:00. we decided to ride it's a small world and the carousel as a group as our last two rides. we took some pictures as we were exiting the park.... and yes, mommy is on day three of rocking the camo hat!
m.i.c... see ya real soon, k.e.y... why, because we like you, m.o.u.s.e!
bye bye mickey...
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
it's a small world...
there are no words to describe the children's faces as we were traveling through this ride. since the lines were not long we were able to ride this many times and each time they found something new they liked. just be thankful that i don't know how to post music or you will be singing the tune all day just like we were.
magic kingdom (part 1)
how many families plan a trip to disney and save the magic kingdom until the last two days? we thought after the pace of the past few days that we would divide the magic kingdom into two sections and cover each thoroughly. it ended up being a great plan for us. below is a picture of my dad and mother-in-law along with two children. 
m1 and myself in front of cinderella's castle. she was so excited to have on her princess dress... and the sights and sounds of the day certainly did not disappoint. the children's eyes were wide open all day just taking it all in. even m2 (in a borrowed minnie mouse dress) was pointing and clapping excitedly at everything around her. such a great time!
the carousel was ridden several times and enjoyed by the youngest and even the oldest. it was nice to see nana smiling and having such a great time. the passing of pops has been emotional on each of us, but to lose a husband of 45 years has been most difficult.
family pictures are a bit more challenging the more eyes you have to face towards the camera. why is it that we have more bloopers than good photos?
our final parade of the day was the disney spectomagic parade. this day began with breakfast at the castle at 8:00 (we had to leave the resort on the shuttle at 7:20) and ended with the parade of lights at 8:00... with absolutely no breakdowns. 

"i'm going to disney world"
drew brees, you just won the super bowl, what are you doing next?
john david and his mom were pulling for new orleans... i was pulling for peyton manning and the colts. oh, well at least disney knows how to throw a parade.
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