little man is... kind hearted and compassionate, constantly in motion, a naturally gifted athlete, usually a rule follower, a question asker, an encourager to m1, in first grade. our firstborn is growing up. and he's very proud of his rolling backpack. m1 is... a ray of sunshine, extremely positive, naturally funny, always trying to do what her older brother does, usually one step behind ~ but unconcerned. our middle child is now in kindergarten. and she cut her hair just two weeks ago... was two haircuts away from being one length. good thing she is cute.
we went to the beach for a she~crab soup taste test and then headed over to the water for a while. we normally go to the bay or ocean view so the children had forgotten how loud the water can be. m1 had to yell at little man in order to be heard.
m2 playing at the beach...
exploring the beach... in typical m1 style. one step behind and dancing along the ay.